Wednesday, March 12, 2008

My take on the Democratic Primary

I haven't actually written a blog post in a while, so I thought I'd give a little update on the state of the Democratic primary.

Since the supposed disaster of March 4th, when Obama actually ended up winning more delegates in Texas than Clinton, and Clinton picked up only around 10 delegates on Obama...........Obama has now one Wyoming and Mississippi decisively.

61-38 in Wyoming
61-37 in Mississippi

Apparently though, if you watch the mainstream media, those 2 states don't really matter. Only the white racist states that Hillary can win "really" count.

However, if you look at the number....ah, those damn numbers bringing you back to reality....Hillary can't win the nomination....she just can't. She'd have to win 80-20 or 90-10 in all the remaining states in order to catch Obama. And if Obama can just keep the superdelegates that are already pledged to him, he will have enough delegates (2025) to clinch the nomination.

Here's the latest polls in the 2 big upcoming states:

North Carolina
Obama - 49
Clinton - 41

Clinton - 55
Obama - 36

Clinton - 45
Obama - 31

Shocking! Hillary is going to win Pennsylvania, probably fairly comfortably, but not by as much as is shown in these polls. And Obama is going to win North Carolina, although not by a huge margin.

SO.......after saying all this, what I'm really saying is.....IT'S OVER! I'm calling it! MarxistGopher is officially calling this race for Barack Obama. The math shows that Hillary can't catch him. she'd need a mass defection of the superdelgates, some strange unfair scenario in FL and MI, and she'd probably need to steal some of Obama's pledged delegates at the convention. AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN!!!

Barack Obama will be the Democratic Presidential nominee!