Monday, December 12, 2005

Big Ten Bowl Fantasy Football

Anyone interested?

Pick a team of Big Ten players from the Big Ten teams in Bowls (Michigan, Minnesota, Northwestern, Iowa, Wisconsin, Ohio State, and Penn State) consisting of 4 QB, 5 RB, 6 WR, 3 K.

Same scoring as the regular league, high score wins.

Post your roster here before the start of the Alamo Bowl, December 28, 7:00 PM.


MarxistGopher said...

That sounds like fun, but you should probably send an email out to Matt and Shawn. I dont know how often they look at this board now. Also, you should remind them to fill out their awards ballot and Matt to finish the pick 'em standings ;(

Jay said...

I don't know if anyone is playing beside Andy and I but as I will be gone until the 27th I'm going to post a Bowl roster now so if we play I'll definately have a team. I might make last minute changes if I can and neec to:

QB1 Brett Basanez
QB2 Troy Smith
QB3 Michael Robinson
QB4 Drew Tate
RB1 Mike Hart
RB2 Lawrenece Maroney
RB3 Tyrell Sutton
RB4 Brian Calhoun
RB5 Tony Hunt
WR1 Jason Avant
WR2 Deon Butler
WR3 Brandon Williams
WR4 Santonio Holmes
WR5 Ed Hinkel
WR6 Shawn Herbert
K1 Garrett Rivas
K2 Taylor Melhoff
K3 Josh Huston

MarxistGopher said...

Spirfires Go With:

Looks familiar

QB-Michael Robinson
QB-Brett Basanez
QB-Drew Tate
QB-Troy Smith
RB-Laurence Maroney
RB-Gary Russell
RB-Brian Calhoun
RB-Tyrell Sutton
RB-Mike Hart
WR-Ed Hinkel
WR-Santonio Holmes
WR-Shaun Herbert
WR-Jason Avant
WR-Brandon Williams
WR-Deon Butler
K-Josh Huston
K-Joel Howells
K-Joel Monroe

MarxistGopher said...

Scratching Mike Hart and adding Albert Young to the Bowl lineup.

Matt said...

You didn't think I was going to play did you? Neither did I.

QB Troy Smith
QB Brett Basanez
QB Drew Tate
QB Just to be different- Ballinger, I mean Sorgi, I mean Stocco

RB Ty Sutton
RB Lo Mo
RB Ant Pittman
RB “Brandon” Calhoun
RB Al Young

WR Santonio Holmes
WR Jason Avant
WR “Brian” Williams
WR Clinton Soloman (surprise!)
WR Shawn Herbert
WR Mark Philmore
WR and my favorite big ten wide-out of all time (outside mn) Anthony Carter

K Huston
K Schlicker
K Rivas