Thursday, September 22, 2005


Ranking the masocts

1 My as yet unnamed wizard of OZ- like creature
2 Spitz-E-Fire (super genius?) could be 1 but Garfield is already taken
3 Bucky- again already taken but when you are a goodyer what else do you have
4 the farmer- I'm sorry but a drunk guy smoking just doesn't do it for me. Plus it's a cheap copy of the patriots head. Maybe a farmer with a pitchfork would be better.


MarxistGopher said...

Here's what the logo master thinks...

1. Spitz (at least I can be #1 at something)
2. The 'unnamed' Goblin (it needs a name...SOON!)
3. The Farmer guy...thing (good mascot/logo, bad on a helmet)
4. Bucky (its fine, but you should have a 'G' or a 'B' on his chest instead of that 'W'. What is the W in reference to...Wins? aka, BTFFL dominance. OK, that makes some sense.

fightingfarmers said...

Your spawn of the Pillsbury Dough Boy and Dr. Evil's mini me clone is pathetic. It's more suited for the by gone days of a Scooby Do vilan than a modern day mascot.

Halucinating Bloated Pumpkin Man

Jay said...

Sptiz is number 1 -- I personally prefer it when he "flys" around the Litter Box in his little Spitfire airplane and holds a little blue flag that says #1.

After that I'm not sure. I understand the criticism of Bucky but as mascots go, Bucky Badger is a damn fine one. And, as soon as I figure it out, I'll explain the origin of the W on Bucky's sweater. Although I don't know them yet, I'm pretty sure that there are some stories of the origin of the W that are false, but I don't know what those are yet either.

I like the Goblin and the Farmer. I always thought both overly comical mascots were good and usually like strange attempts to make football players out of Buccaneers, dophins and the like.