Thursday, September 29, 2005

traveling trophy

The goblins released plans today for the creation of a new traveling trophy to be awarded to the winner of the season series between the rival Goblins and Spitfires. Chairman Carhart announced the news this morning at his weekly press conference where he spent most of his time talking about "how cool it would be" to play for what is expected to be a flag. Apparently the new trophy will carry the name "the family flag" and feature the Carhart family crest in flag form. Chairman/coach M Carhart giggled that he "always wanted to wave a flag of glory after a victory" and this would give him an opportunity to do so at some point in the future. The flag itself is not yet ready for release and while clearly not as prestigious as the blue ox it will undoubtly be a source of pride in the spitfire/goblin trophy case. Chairman/coach Carhart also hinted at the creation of other rivalry trophies between the goblins and farmers and goodgers. He said he had a good idea for the goblin/farmer trophy but negotiations with the farmers have not yet begun. He also has an idea for the goblin/goodger series but refused to elaborate until further preperations had been made. Carhart hopes to have the flag ready to award to this years winner. More news on trophies is likely to come out of goblins HQ in the near future.


MarxistGopher said...

Where is everybody today? I'm so bored and alone without these postings :(

Jay said...

I work all day Tuesday (except last Tuesday) and Thursday and don't post from GAC -- although I do read The Blue Ox from there.

Jay said...

How is this going to work since we play each other more than once? Can we find an Little Oaken Brown Gobger Chamber Pot?

MarxistGopher said...

I assume it will be based on the season series. The trophy is awarded at the end of the season to the team that wins the series.

Matt said...

My vision was to have a ceremony day where we hand out or rather give back the trophies to the season series winners plus the blue ox champion. We could rotate the celebration site and it would be the offcial close of the season- maybe even do award balloting then too. Anyway, the trophies are a way to keep a down team interested - they might have a chance to win something- or lose everything.

Andy suggest that jay and I play for an AX since our teams are modeled after Minnesota and wisconsin it seems appropriate- thoughts?

Jay said...

Not a chamber pot? Or a lecturn? An archive?