Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Looking Backward -- The Draft

Top 10 Best Picks:

10 Matt Trannon, 18th round (Shawn). He’s not great, but the fact that he is even productive makes it a very good pick in the draft’s last round.

9 Jared Ellerson, 13th round (Matt). Another modest fantasy point producer but more fantasy points than Kyle Ingraham and Ed Hinkel, taken in the 6th and 7th round of the draft.

8 Javon Ringer, 12th round (Matt). Decent in 2005 – looks to be the long term answer at MSU.

7 Jeremy Scott, 16th round, (Matt). 6th highest scoring receiver, consistent production, a bargain in this round.

6 Blake Powers, 15th round (Shawn). I still think he’s going to fall off the face of the Fantasy earth but even if that happens, as the last QB selected and in the 15th round, a great pick.

5 Brian Calhoun, 1st round (Shawn). First player selected still a low price to pay for the #1 fantasy back.

4 Derrick Williams 11th round (Andy). This guys is going to be a Heisman candidate, could produce like no other WR in BTFF history.

3 Gary Russell, 9th round (Shawn). 14th RB taken, more than a viable starter now, hard to imagine not the future in MN. Some taken ahead of him: Maurice Wells, Rashard Mendelhall, Kevin Grady.

2 Jason Avant, 8th round (Shawn). Number 1 Fantasy WR. 30th player overall (includes keepers), 17th player selected, 5th WR taken.

1 Tyrell Sutton, 9th round (Matt). More than a little luck involved here but Matt took him when he wasn’t a starter and he’s one of the best backs in BTFF and he’s just a freshman.

Several that just missed the cut:

Kory Sheets
Tony Pittman
Albert Young
Jason Teague
Kyle Brown
Mario Manningham


MarxistGopher said...

I think that's a fairly accurate list. I can't disagree with any of those.

Note the terrible drafting by the Spitfires over the past 2 seasons. I spent an insane amount of hours doing research in the month leading up to the draft. Next year I'm going in cold...

I assume a worst draft picks list is due next...Jay?

MarxistGopher said...

I forgot about...

Michael Robinson should definately be in the top 10! I'd probably put him at 8 and bump the rest down.

Jay said...

Worst eh? Probably not this week -- although it is possible I put off work for several more hours today.

I put Robinson in a similar category to Tony Hunt, Brett Basanez, Jerod Void. He was probably picked about where he should have been but I can see the arguement for him. 7th Round, after BB and Kirsch.

MarxistGopher said...

Work? Oh, come on man I'm at "work" right now and it isn't stopping me! ;)
